Assume a scenario where we have elevated privileges but want to get access to Artifactory itself to distribute rogue binaries for network compromise.
Check status: ps aux | grep artifactory
External access: http://serverip:8081
Sensitive information
with root access to the server, check /{ARTIFACTORY FOLDER}/var/backup/access
for artifactory accounts
Check "password" -
Crack password
Compromise DB
Since Artifactory is using Derby as its default database, we'll need Apache's Derby tools to be able to connect to it. More specifically, the ij command line tool, which allows the user to access a Derby database and perform queries against it. The Derby tools are already installed on the controller at /opt/derby, but they can also be downloaded if necessary.
Fortunately for us, the default database does not require a username and password and relies on file permissions to protect it. Because we have root privileges, we can connect without problems. Artifactory contains its own version of Java and we can use it to run the Derby connection utilities and connect to our database.
Crack the bcrypt hashes as above
Add backdoor user
This method requires write access to the /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc/access folder and the ability to change permissions on the newly-created file, which usually requires root or sudo access.
We now have admin access to Artifactory and can modify binaries as we see fit.
In a real-world scenario, if the user was using Artifactory as a repository, running an update on their local system would trigger a download of the updated binary. The next time the binary is run by the user, they would be compromised. The same would occur if Artifactory was being used as a simple file store for shared binary files. Any subsequent downloads of our updated file would result in the user being compromised.
Artifactory is an excellent option for compromising many targets in a single effort and can help to expand access significantly within an internal network.
Last updated