Post-exploit check

/root hostname && whoami && cat proof.txt && /sbin/ifconfig ; w|uname -a|id|pwd

  • Any databases contents (e.g. mysql -uroot -pzaq1xsw2cde3 -e 'show databases;')

Linux - root user

*may reset any user password and then rdp / ssh in

Password hashes: cat /etc/shadow

User folders: ls -lahR /home/ (look for ".*_history" files, ".ssh" or ".gpg") ;

check /etc/passwd to see if any users with other paths as their user folders

Network connections: netstat -antup (checking with high privileged may see more)

GUI: pidof X (anything save in web browser e.g. history, saved passwords, homepage ; any 'recently opened' app/files)

history as root: cat ~/.bash_history

Windows - admin / system


Last updated